Wednesday, April 2, 2008

just want to write one

sooo i'm back in my dad's office and i'm substituting my dad's imployee who is currently absent because her son is sick (i think it is).. she's working in the admin department, so i'm doing mostly all her work, guided by my dad's secretary..
so i'm actually waiting for emails and faxes to come, coz that's where i come to place.
i don't have much to say, just that i just ordered another 13 pins for my friends (art bio) coz the previous pins were taken by someone else, which unfortunately didn't return it.. i mean what's the pins for? it means nothing to that person, i suppose..
so i gotta reprint the "small notes" that should be behind each of the pins, which contains art bio (both current and alumni of class 2007) data like their full name, birth date, email and where they're gonna go for uni.
i guess i have nothing left to say, no more news from me haha

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