Tuesday, May 20, 2008

no title

alright, so how long has it been? probably a week or less, is it..? anyways, it has been quite a tough week for me. besides that i've had a cold last friday (which is why i didn't make it to work), i've been quite busy updating my "small business" website.. i had to coz the prices keeps on changing (for silver)..
i just want to wish my sister (cousin actually, in case she's reading this) Imelda a happy birthday! may all ur wishes come true (if it doesn't, just wait for the time to come, if it's the right way for u, it'll come true). and one more important thing, i'm (WE actually) waiting for another member of the Huang family, so when is it gonna be sis? hehehehe i'll be waiting for the news =)
okay, so i'm planning to attend sph graduation 2 weeks from now, but i'm not sure yet coz i haven't receive an invitation (i asked for my friend's help for one) sooo depends on the invitation.. maybe it seems i'm kinda desperate about it, but i'm actually not. i mean it is my friend's graduation and i would love to attend to at least congratulate them..
guess that's it for now..

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