Saturday, June 7, 2008

fine fine

okay, i admit it, it's almost 3 weeks since my last post.. i was busy lately coz i kinda had to subs for my dad in his office (just for a few jobs). his auntie passed away about two weeks ago, and i had to organize a few things including my university admission and others (a bit private =P )
sooo.. last tuesday i attended sph graduation (my friends' graduation), i met many friends and i had the chance to talk to a few of 'em.. there i met my former teachers (ibu frida, ibu mona and ibu jumi) actually i met ibu jumi first but we didn't talk much coz she was kinda in a hurry.. she seemed surprised to see me (neither do i) hahaha sooo the story goes on and on..
i think this is not the best place for me to congratulate my sister, but anyways.. congratz sis for graduating year 10 =) and congrats for the awards as well.. she got 6 awards btw, for math, science, bhs indo andd emmm.. i forgot the rest *haha*
soooo.. i'm posting another one.. for promotion ahhaha

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