Wednesday, June 24, 2009

after lunch

We just ate nasi campur at Warung Wardhani, their speciality. Driving through sunset road, we are heading towards Benoa, the place where you can find lots of boats.

Along the way, of course, me, my sisters and mami took some pictures.
We're planning to go to Seminyak area to take a short visit to Bali Deli just to take a peak at their menu and to buy some bread.

I'm not sure where we will go next coz there aren't actually any fixed plans. We might plan to head to Kuta, but then, on the way, we might change destination.

One thing's for sure, we love to eat, to take a drive anywhere the road leads to, and then eat.

I love the culture here. The people are friendly and it is way safer here than in Jakarta.

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