Saturday, June 7, 2008

necklace and ring

oh yeahh.. anyone insterested in pond's necklace (kalung pond's in bhs indo).. the one in the flawless white commercial on tv? it was on air quite a while ago.. and many people are searching for it. u know what, i have 'em.. it's for rp. 100.000 / set (1 set of pond's pendant, 2 chains, and a lovely box) sooo if you're interested to buy one.. sms to 08999.879.108 alrite (SMS ONLY) or email to (i don't guarantee i'll reply it that soon by email) sooo for fast reply, just sms =) oh yeah, don't forget to include your name, address where it'll be delivered and how many set u'll buy.. btw it's delivery charge excluded (Rp. 5000 for areas in Jakarta and delivery charges to other cities, sms me)..
ohh and i have silver rings as well.. check this out: and if u're interested in one as well.. mm sms me with this format:
name, address of delivery, "ring model 1 + ring size 1 + name to be carved if any", "ring model 2 + ring size 2 + name to be carved if any".
finger circumference less than 55mm (without name carved) is rp 65000 and more than 55mm rp 75000.
if you want name carved, you'll be charged an additional rp 10000..
okayy so that's a bit of promotion hahaha

fine fine

okay, i admit it, it's almost 3 weeks since my last post.. i was busy lately coz i kinda had to subs for my dad in his office (just for a few jobs). his auntie passed away about two weeks ago, and i had to organize a few things including my university admission and others (a bit private =P )
sooo.. last tuesday i attended sph graduation (my friends' graduation), i met many friends and i had the chance to talk to a few of 'em.. there i met my former teachers (ibu frida, ibu mona and ibu jumi) actually i met ibu jumi first but we didn't talk much coz she was kinda in a hurry.. she seemed surprised to see me (neither do i) hahaha sooo the story goes on and on..
i think this is not the best place for me to congratulate my sister, but anyways.. congratz sis for graduating year 10 =) and congrats for the awards as well.. she got 6 awards btw, for math, science, bhs indo andd emmm.. i forgot the rest *haha*
soooo.. i'm posting another one.. for promotion ahhaha