Okay, so my previous post was simply an update and I wasn't quite finished "telling my story". Anyways, about HMJK -first- meeting. Maybe I should introduce the HMJK 2010-2011 members.

1st row: Yonathan Djaja, Kristina Astuti Winarto, Pamella Djakaria, Elvira, Oki Yonathan Oetiono, Gregory Joey, Admiral Zega, Riki Saputra, Tommy Mandagi, Victor, Adrian Gunawan Ali
2nd row: Audrey Budiono, Anita Darmawijaya, Sheila Stephanie Chandra, Lydia Linggawaty, Oei Kristina Hariyani Wijaya Pratikno, Viona Tjin, Glory Takizawa, Fediah Iskandar, Jessica Wangsa, Patriscia Tanuwijaya, Clarissa Natashia Sadikin
3rd row: Cynthia Christine Jonachan, Aliyya Rifki, Nesa Kusuma, Dian Yosie Monica, Melissa Ayu, Aryani Sutarnio, Cindy Prayogo, Cynthia Sabrina, Lady Anjani
4th row: Yuricho Alexander Yogianto, Jonny Wijaya, Bobtriyan Tanamas, Dyka Wihardjo (ME!!)
I can say that I'm quite satisfied with this year's HMJK members, maybe more satisfied than last year's, but I think I can't say that yet coz we just had our first meeting and we haven't hosted any events yet. Maybe it's more appropriate to comment on it later.
So we've planned several events throughout this one year period, coming soon is Welcoming Party for class of 2010 and Outbound. Perhaps I'll talk more about this after the details of these two events have been published.
As some might know, I'm the Chief of Media & Communication Division, same position as in the previous senate. Speaking of "senate", we changed our organization from Senate to HMJK (Himpuanan Mahasiswa Jurusan Kedokteran, or Medical Students Association of UPH). It was basically due to "member recruitment issue". If we stayed wtih "Senate", then we should -have- recruited students from SON (School of Nursing). After we had quite a long discussion, we agreed upon changing our organization name from Senate to HMJK.
Okay, I've had three weeks of three-month holiday so far. I'm quite satisfied with how I spent my holiday, but I don't think I've been spending it effectively. I've continued what I've left when I entered MedSchool at UPH, I've helped my dad with several things and I've done several things in regards to HMJK.
During the first two weeks, I was basically trying to settle things up. Tidying HMJK room, tried to read a few pages about Neurology (next block's topic) and such (not ready to talk about it). This week I helped my dad with his business (marketing stuff) and learned a few things from it, and will continue it next week. Am really trying to read a few pages of Neuro each day, but it seems hard yet have to force myself!
Well ummm, I was quite happy this week. Some things have been going on and wasn't really expecting it to happen, but because it did, should be the best for me. By the way, I don't know am I supposed to be happy or should I regret that I didn't join my friends to Bali. I -really- wanted to go, but due to a reasons, I didn't. One of which is because my mom and my auntie (mami) didn't allow me and my sister's high school graduation was on the 27th (I knew that like on the 26th). Maybe I'm simply making excuses because one of my friend joined them for only a few days, then she headed back home. But well, maybe this is the best for me, I hope so.
I've made another important decision as well, that I'm resigning from Mentoring UPH 2010 due to a few reasons. I've thought about this over and over again, and I think this is probably the best, taking in mind what happened last year due to my participation in Mentoring UPH 2009. I really hope that I won't regret this because I think what I'm taking account of is probably more important than joining this year's mentoring. I've spoken to my mentor and she said that if I've thought about this and I'm sure of my decision, then I should go for it. One or two of my friends were quite surprised that I'm resigning from this year's mentoring, but then they said that if I think it's the best, then I should be confident in my decision.
Guess back to this three-month holiday. I have to cut one month off it because I have to study Clinical Skill again. I'm trying my best to think of it as my second chance to improve. Haven't talk to my parents about it yet coz I'm kind of scared with their response later on although my dad will probably understand more than my mom. I'm just waiting for the right time to talk about this with him coz he's been quite stressed out with work.
I guess this is it, I'll probably continue to the next post. Tadaaaa :)

1st row: Yonathan Djaja, Kristina Astuti Winarto, Pamella Djakaria, Elvira, Oki Yonathan Oetiono, Gregory Joey, Admiral Zega, Riki Saputra, Tommy Mandagi, Victor, Adrian Gunawan Ali
2nd row: Audrey Budiono, Anita Darmawijaya, Sheila Stephanie Chandra, Lydia Linggawaty, Oei Kristina Hariyani Wijaya Pratikno, Viona Tjin, Glory Takizawa, Fediah Iskandar, Jessica Wangsa, Patriscia Tanuwijaya, Clarissa Natashia Sadikin
3rd row: Cynthia Christine Jonachan, Aliyya Rifki, Nesa Kusuma, Dian Yosie Monica, Melissa Ayu, Aryani Sutarnio, Cindy Prayogo, Cynthia Sabrina, Lady Anjani
4th row: Yuricho Alexander Yogianto, Jonny Wijaya, Bobtriyan Tanamas, Dyka Wihardjo (ME!!)
I can say that I'm quite satisfied with this year's HMJK members, maybe more satisfied than last year's, but I think I can't say that yet coz we just had our first meeting and we haven't hosted any events yet. Maybe it's more appropriate to comment on it later.
So we've planned several events throughout this one year period, coming soon is Welcoming Party for class of 2010 and Outbound. Perhaps I'll talk more about this after the details of these two events have been published.
As some might know, I'm the Chief of Media & Communication Division, same position as in the previous senate. Speaking of "senate", we changed our organization from Senate to HMJK (Himpuanan Mahasiswa Jurusan Kedokteran, or Medical Students Association of UPH). It was basically due to "member recruitment issue". If we stayed wtih "Senate", then we should -have- recruited students from SON (School of Nursing). After we had quite a long discussion, we agreed upon changing our organization name from Senate to HMJK.
Okay, I've had three weeks of three-month holiday so far. I'm quite satisfied with how I spent my holiday, but I don't think I've been spending it effectively. I've continued what I've left when I entered MedSchool at UPH, I've helped my dad with several things and I've done several things in regards to HMJK.
During the first two weeks, I was basically trying to settle things up. Tidying HMJK room, tried to read a few pages about Neurology (next block's topic) and such (not ready to talk about it). This week I helped my dad with his business (marketing stuff) and learned a few things from it, and will continue it next week. Am really trying to read a few pages of Neuro each day, but it seems hard yet have to force myself!
Well ummm, I was quite happy this week. Some things have been going on and wasn't really expecting it to happen, but because it did, should be the best for me. By the way, I don't know am I supposed to be happy or should I regret that I didn't join my friends to Bali. I -really- wanted to go, but due to a reasons, I didn't. One of which is because my mom and my auntie (mami) didn't allow me and my sister's high school graduation was on the 27th (I knew that like on the 26th). Maybe I'm simply making excuses because one of my friend joined them for only a few days, then she headed back home. But well, maybe this is the best for me, I hope so.
I've made another important decision as well, that I'm resigning from Mentoring UPH 2010 due to a few reasons. I've thought about this over and over again, and I think this is probably the best, taking in mind what happened last year due to my participation in Mentoring UPH 2009. I really hope that I won't regret this because I think what I'm taking account of is probably more important than joining this year's mentoring. I've spoken to my mentor and she said that if I've thought about this and I'm sure of my decision, then I should go for it. One or two of my friends were quite surprised that I'm resigning from this year's mentoring, but then they said that if I think it's the best, then I should be confident in my decision.
Guess back to this three-month holiday. I have to cut one month off it because I have to study Clinical Skill again. I'm trying my best to think of it as my second chance to improve. Haven't talk to my parents about it yet coz I'm kind of scared with their response later on although my dad will probably understand more than my mom. I'm just waiting for the right time to talk about this with him coz he's been quite stressed out with work.
I guess this is it, I'll probably continue to the next post. Tadaaaa :)
Dyka!!! I like your blog :D Guess who I am