It's time, it's time, it's time! What time is it??
It's 21.20 on a Saturday night, lonely at home, TV turned on. Not exactly alone, my parents are in their room, my sisters are doing their thing, whatever it is.
Well that's not exactly what I was talking about. Haha.
Time to get on going with assignments, of course, what else? I've got Learning & Communication Skills Mid-Term Exam, which is actually making a portfolio, quizzes to look up to every Friday and have this target to get a bit of head start of the week's topic every Sunday night. Up until now, I don't know where the problem is, but every time I read something Sunday night, it's not useful. I mean, it's just wasn't the "right one" to discuss during Monday's PBL as well as Wednesday's and Friday's. Like what I read wasn't that important. Sometimes I am almost a little desperate about what I've been studying because I do spend time to read articles from AccessMed and from ebooks as well, but it seems that what I read wasn't "needed". But a few of my friends say that "Nothing that you read is not useful, maybe it's just not the right time to be useful". I hope so >.< but the question is, when? Or is it that what I read is a bit too detailed and that it's unnecessary or required for us as general practitioner? Argghhh, just need a definite answer, maybe.
Besides assignments, qiuzzes and that sort of stuff, recently I am so so so into these three songs:
Inside Your Heaven - Carrie Underwood (
Angels Brought Me Here - Guy Sebastian (
On My Way Here - Clay Aiken (
And well.. Celine Dion's To Love You More ( should be counted as well then.
Oh my my, I heart those 4 songs! I actually like Carrie's and Clay's like a few years ago when it was "hot", but then I didn't know the title and who sang the song. But about two days ago, I was playing all Carrie's songs in my laptop and then I heard this familiar melody and I used to like and it turned out to be "Inside Your Heaven". As with Clay Aiken's, I simply like the dramatic melody. The third song, Angels Brought Me Here, nice lyrics, that's all I'm able to say :)
Of all these four songs, I think I like them because of their dramatic melody because I used to like Kelly Clarkson's Anytime. Comparing these five songs, all of these have one in common in my opinion, dramatic melody. What I mean by "dramatic melody" is that these songs' melody has a clear climax (which is mostly the reff) and then the anticlimax, and the melody also goes up and then down and then sometimes up and down again.
During the last few days, I listen to these 3 songs maybe more than five times in one day that my youngest sister a while ago said "Cie, can you please play another song??". She even remembers some of the lyrics of "Inside Your Heaven" because I played it over and over again from my laptop.
Assignments still attentively await for me while I'm still fiddling with my laptop because I just need some time to relax and just to entertain myself with whatever it is (you can see that I'm just trying to make up reasons not to finish off my work haha).
Anyways, hopefully I will write again soon :)