After a long -very long- break from writing, I'm finally able to find a free time to write. Yeyy! Several things happened in the last 1.5 month. Endocrine block, exams, first HMJK meeting and a week of holiday has given my life more ups and downs. Honestly, I don’t know where to start. Maybe I’ll just start with exam week coz that’s probably almost everyone’s highlight before the three-month holiday.
So, it was planned that class of 2008 will have 7 exams. Yup, you heard me. That includes Clinical Exposure and OSCE during the first week, and followed by Learning and Communication Skills (LCOM), MCQ Endocrine, DPES, OSPE and Comprehensive exam the week after. However, along the way, they cancelled DPES exam. My LCOM class have had exam before the exam week because ours was to make a presentation, it may be about whatever we studied during Pak Christian Siregar’s class, or we may come up with another topic relating to his class.
Clinical Exposure –essay– exam was hmm okay. Got the information that the questions are going to be about application problems, but turned out that it was mostly theory. Not quite sure about the result, though, because I wasn’t able to do the first 3 questions out of 10.
Yes, OSCE exam was the last exam of the week (on Friday). I was in the second out of five rounds. Turned out to be just okay because I wasn’t able to finish Physical Examination station. I don’t know whether the office boy wasn’t being consistent or I didn’t study well for PE part, but I ran though the special tests for appendicitis, which is medical term for inflammation of the appendix, and it was all negative. He only said “it hurts” when I was palpating on his epigastric, maybe early signs of appendicitis? From these 4 semesters, PE station cases were always different from one patient to the other. I mean, if they’re all different, the examiner should have different marking guide? But that’ll mean it wasn’t a “standard” for us, then? I think I should’ve asked the examiner post-exam, but never did, oh well.
MCQ Endocrine was okay although I studied diagnosis and treatment while the questions were mostly of pathophysiology. It simply means I have to study more and more, not only certain topics. Last two MCQ exams, which were Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary, the questions were mostly about diagnosis and treatment, so I assumed that Endocrine exams were mostly about both of them as well. Oh well, taking the positive side, He wants me to study more to become a better doctor.
DPES exam was cancelled and we got that information when we were sitting MCQ Endocrine. Right. Some were done and were sitting on the sofa outside the two exam rooms though. Anyways, heard that some had studied for DPES and they were both disappointed and happy at the same time. If I were them, of course I’d feel the same thing. I mean, I’ve allocated my time to study DPES, but hours –not days– before the exam it was cancelled. We were wondering, though, about the score because we only had one assignment which was making a script for role play and that’s it. I guess our score will be from that one assignment? Oh well, whatever it is.
OSPE and Comprehensive exam fell on the same day, the last day of the exam before holiday. I was in the last group of OSPE exam and it turned out to be better than other OSPE exam, I think, because I was able to answer more questions than previous OSPEs, but yet again, my weakness is in Anatomical Pathology (PA).
Okay, last exam was Comprehensive exam. Unlike last year’s, I was able to do more questions and I was more confident than last year’s although I know my score wouldn’t be very satisfying. If I had more time to study, maybe I’ll be way sure about it. But yet again, it was my fault that I didn’t study hard since third semester. I didn’t use my time wisely at home. I chose to sleep when I should’ve at least read something.
Right, just realized I didn’t mention about my grandparent’s 50th anniversary. 50 years! I sure hope that I’ll have one as well, the question is, who doesn’t? So yes, we had a private party. Only my big family, my granny’s cousins and granpa’s brother and sister, and two of my mom’s close friends. This is why we have parties like this, I met one of my mom’s distant cousin for the first time in my life -20 years-. My grandpa’s brother and sister were quite surprised to meet me because I changed quite a lot since they last saw me, which was maybe around 10 years ago.
A few of my granny’s cousins (ie po) were also quite surprised to see me and yes, most of them say “Wow, you sure look beautiful now. You look quite different compared to when you were small.” And yes, I know they meant to say “You were ugly when you were small”. Yes, yes, I get it, ie po, thank you for the compliment now :)
We had fun those two days, so does everyone especially my grandparents and mom’s oldest younger brother. Never seen him very happy that he clapped his hands and laughed while my mom and the other women danced because he’s quite awkward, you can say. He only smiles probably during photo session and as far as I know, that was the first time I saw him clap his hands.
A bit of flashback, my mom had the honor to lead us in prayer for lunch. Okay, I’m easily touched. So yes, my tears did flow a little bit while I listen to my mom’s prayer word by word. I wish we can all have more chances to gather together again and have fun. Heard from my mami that all ie po have gathered together in Trawas, maybe just to have fun because speaking of age, they’re now in their 70s and 80s, I think. By the way, my ie po’s are from Bandung, Malang, Hong Kong and Australia, if I’m not mistaken. So whenever they’re able to gather, it’s really a gift from Him.
Inez, Brenda, Ie Po Liem, Ngkim Maria, Mami Hermin, Kulik Harry, Mak, Me, Ci Felicia, Cely, Ie Po Lu, Ie Po Ting
--- January 2010
Okay, forward to the present time. We had first HMJK meeting, which mainly discusses all the events or programs planned by each division. Fairly packed two-day meeting, but we did have fun.
Think I'll talk more about this later on :) I have several other things to tell but think I'll spill it out in the next post.