Some "events" that has happened since the last post made me think about the different point of views that might have to be considered in each "event". The events I'm talking about here is the AL and RG case. AL case has been going on for a few weeks now and RG is a recent one. Not actually the AL case, but A broke one of the R's camera.
These two cases are just examples of many situations which arouse different point of views from both the subject and the public despite that each side might have strong reasons to back him or herself up.
In the first case, neither sides are justified. If AL case didn't exist at the first place, R wouldn't be present at that moment and R's camera wouldn't be broken as well. R's was present because it was his/her job hence to earn money. And why AL case exist? Again, the "victim" has his or her own reason and he or she might not be guilty but not innocent. AL case wouldn't have existed if there were no contribution from "third party" because it wasn't their business, at all. I believe "it" was personal for AL and "it" wasn't expected to cause an issue and not attracting public's attention. But then, regarding AL's status, AL's action isn't justified as well.
In the second case, which happened recently (Saturday night), what AG did surely attract many pros and cons comments and critiques. You can say that the entire world knew what AG did. Many surely tried to think positively although the fact and effect is negative (causal effect). Millions surely talked about it, not to mention that half a page of about 40 pages of this morning's newspaper recalled what happened. If I were AG, I'd be very embarrassed of myself and how it happened will surely stick to me in my entire life. Some say AG's "suit" was probably the reason why it happened. It's simply a human error. Minors said that there isn't any explanation to what happened other than AG wasn't fully concentrated to what AG was doing and people shouldn't blame AG's "suit". Oh well, in every "case", pros and cons will arise from neither side.
These reminded me that in every case, we shouldn't blame one or the other side, but to put ourself in both shoes. What will you feel, do and act if you were A? What will you feel, do and act if you were B? We shouldn't judge just based on what we see (subjectively), but think about all the probabilities in every case. Yes, sometimes it's rather difficult for us to think that way because it is always easier for us to look at the negative side and to critique. It is always difficult to think positively and just to accept what happened.
People make mistakes.
I do, you do, we do and they do. If each and every person thinks negatively and acts based on it, there wouldn't be a year 2010. Okay, that's a little bit exaggerating, but the truth is, we would be living in chaos because none are tolerant, most or every one are selfish and mind others' business in a negative way. There would be no peace.
I want to share this picture:

"We all make mistakes"
Yes, we do. And we should always try to forgive whatever mistake the other side has made. In order to do that, we should try to position ourselves in their position. Did they intend to do it? How would you feel if you were them? Would you be able to easily "apologize" or would you feel this guilt that you're afraid he or she wouldn't forgive you?
Sometimes it just feel right that you (the correct side) make that first move to simply make "it" clear between you and the other side, to simply ask for their reasons to what they did. A simple and short talk with the "guilty" side may be quite hard for you, may be because you don't think it's necessary and when they're "sentenced" guilty, there is nothing they can say to make them become innocent. That, in fact, isn't what it's about. It's simply how you try to eliminate any hatred or "dislikes" in between the two sides. When things are clear and that you know their reasons, or pros and cons, you will be glad to be able just come up with a satisfying conclusion between the two sides.
But again, yes..
It's difficult, but not impossible.