Three years later from my last post. Wow time flies!
So a little bit of update, I went through my clerkship life at RSPAD for almost two years (19th March 2012 until end of December 2013) then Forensics at RS Polri Kramatjati for 4 weeks. Afterwards, just over half of our batch had exit OSCE exams which was last 11th April. The rest of us wasn't able to sit the exam because they still have clerkship rounds. But then only 44 out of 63 passed the exit OSCE. So we had to do a supplementary OSCE with the remainding students who weren't able to sit the April exam this coming June 20th.
I'd like to express my gratitude to a couple of doctors, nurses and staff, for sharing their knowledge and experience and for their helping hand, kindness and time they had given me when I was thriving clerkship at both RSPAD and RS Polri, especially those who have been my examiner and those who helped me with both my papers and case reports:
- dr. H SpS, dr. S Sps and dr. L and the neurology department team
- dr. A SpM and dr. E SpM and the ophthalmology department team
- dr. M SpKJ and dr. Y SpKJ and the psychiatry department team
- dr. W SpTHT and the ear, nose and throat department team
- drg. Y and drg. YG and the dentistry department team
- dr. S SpAn, dr. UH SpAn, dr. B SpAn and the anesthesiology department team
- dr. S SpPD, dr. SL SpPD, dr. AP SpPD and the internal medicine department team
- dr. JJE SpOG, dr. SAA SpOG and the obstetrics and gynecology department team
- dr. A SpBP, dr. G SpBP and the surgery department team
- dr. IM SpA, dr. NS and the pediatric department team
And yes, there were a few "undesirable" moments that I wouldn't want to remember, those "ones" and "moments" that if I may say, brought a negative impact to my journey.
So, after we pass exit OSCE from UPH, we're to sit the UKDI CBT and OSCE exam. Those who passed the April exit OSCE, will proceed to this upcoming May's UKDI, while those sitting the June exit OSCE will sit the August's UKDI. Then we have internship for one year. I'm not sure how this actually works, but all I know is that we can choose which area (suburb) we want to intern for 12 months (8 months in type C hospital, then 4 months in Puskesmas). My seniors (2007s) that I know of, some of them are randomly chosen to be placed in Banten, like 30 of them. Some choose Papua and Sulawesi for a particular reason. But for us, it won't be happening in six months' time. Here's why:
A friend of mine sat November 2013's UKDI and should be allocated for internship starting February 2014, however due to some "reasons" regarding "money" so I heard, their internship is postponed to May. But then, a few of them were suddenly informed that they should be starting their internship in a few days time. Yes, shocking news for them. So literally, internship is postponed for 1 cycle. (Normally, UKDI November then internship February. Now UKDI November then internship May).
Another issue also came up around two weeks ago. Those who sat the February UKDI wasn't able to obtain their STR because the exam is "illegal". STR is the certificate we get when we pass UKDI, which we use to get our SIP (permission to open a practice) but now is used as a requirement for internship, so I heard. So a few parties are meeting up to discuss this "problem" and are trying to reach into a solution, in order for the UKDI participant to get their STR and not re-take the UKDI. Meanwhile, the UKDI in May is currently postponed for the moment until further announcement, but they stated that it won't be later than June.
We'll just wait for the announcement and hopefully it does benefit the participants.