Friday, July 11, 2008


okay, so i realized it's been a long time since i post one.. so here it is..
i've been doing okay, nothing special and it's been one month since i worked in my dad's office. i'm really hoping that time would fly coz i've had enough "holiday" -in fact more than enough- i mean imagine 8 months!! right, at first i thought, 'well, it wouldn't hurt'. yes, it doesn't hurt, but it's BORING (let me emphasize that B-O-R-I-N-G).
oh yeah, one thing pissed me. it's about TiKi (yeah, that well-known courier service). so i was sending a package to someone in Aceh. the agent in Intercon accepted it (it was on 17th June) so then i expected that the person i'm sending the packge to would receive it max a week after. instead, that person sms-ed me telling that he/she have not receive the package yet. wow, it did surprised me. i tried to trace it back to TiKi (called them) and they said a woman named Lia has received the package. after i checked with that person, no one there had the name "Lia". i called tiki in Aceh and they said the package was returned to Jakarta. they weren't able to reach the destined address coz it was located in the border of aceh and somewhere -i forgot-. i called TiKi Jakarta again, and they said it was not Lia in Aceh, but Lia in the return address. in fact, the return address wasn't even correct! and unfortunately, the person in charge of returns was not available that time, so i had to call them back the next day. and after a few calls, i did get the returned package -at last- but i'm still pissed coz they didn't return the money that i paid to send the package.
i mean they accepted the package meaning they are able to send it.
gosshh!! i mean TIKI.. i'm now very pissed at them.. but it's like the only courier service in the radius of about 1 km of my house..? hahaha but this was the second time. the first time was about -i forgot- haha soo there it is..

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