Thursday, August 28, 2008

the first week

it has been a pretty busy week for me. i've had my university orientation two weeks ago, precisely 16-20th August, then start classes the day after.
the orientation was actually a festival (UPH Fest 15), and we had to attend seminars of distinguished speakers two consecutive days before the festival ended.. one seminar inspired me, which is dr eka's. he showed us a recorded movie of him operating someone suffering from tumor in his/her brain stem if i'm not mistaken..
soo we've had a few assignments so far, including epi assignment and prof david's assignment (writing down what we have been doing today and tomorrow) writing a 300 word composition on what is learning.. i guess that's it..
sooo i'm kinda pissed with my msn messenger in my new laptop from uph.. i wasn't able to chat using the "proper" msn msgr since i got this laptop. i had to use ebuddy for now until someone fixes whatever is wrong with the messenger..
currently tired after finishing off my group's presentation on epi assignment, which i finished at about 5 or so..
okay then.. i think i'll call it a day..

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