17th May 2009 night's dream
I was in a car along with four of my friends, one of them being the driver because it was his car. Then we arrived at this harbor with lots of small rooms available for daily rent. At first I was alone, but soon more and more FKUPH students appeared. Each of us were trying to find their own room.
I didn't exactly remember what happened next, but all I knew was that we were in the in front of a tan colored fortress and someone was trying to explain to us about the founder the fortress and who made it official. It was a boy who made it official by burning the big torch placed in the middle of the fortress. Behind us was the harbor.
Soon afterwards, the fortress disappeared and turned into blue colored steel bridges. Two to three more blue colored steel bridges appeared, located separate from each other and I soon realize that we were in the middle of the sea, half soaked with sea water. I remember beside me was a friend of mine and many others were there as well but were spreaded out. That "someone" then told us that the size of the area being surrounded by the so-called fortress decreases each day or month or year (I forgot). When that "someone" finished the sentence, the bridge seemed to move to indicate how much it decreases the area it surrounds. This is very very weird because logically, to "decrease" the area means that it will move towards us, not towards the sea. However, at first it did move towards us because I remember I was standing below one of those bridges and it moved towards the back. A moment later, the bridge then moved towards the front and further front and in the end, it was way far in front of us.
We all then went back towards the harbor and back to each of our cars that we rode on our way to the harbor, but I had to ride my other friend's car because his car was empty. As we head our way back, we had to pass those little harbors (about four to five of them) then headed the main road. These harbors were similar to a deserted because no one was here, yet it looked like as if someone had taken-care of that harbor. It still had the "nice panorama" of a harbor with its view towards the lovely sea. Comparing with the harbors in the real world, it was similar to a harbor in Sydney near the Opera House, the harbor that I went to when we were on our way to the zoo or something, I forgot.
So then.. another dream......
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